From the President's Desk * 2015
USAC 2006
Hi Guys,

Happy New Year to everyone, it's difficult to think about cycling with the weather as it is in NJ, but this is the time of the year to start thinking about your goals and plans for the year. If you need any additional incentive to start planning for the year, just step on a scale!

Firstly, thanks to John and Gary for their efforts over the last few years and it's not like they are going anywhere.

Secondly, thanks to LeeAnn and Scott for stepping up and volunteering to the Board this year.

Thirdly, we'll have a general meeting on Sunday 1/18/15 at Sheridan's at 10:30AM and breakfast will be served. This is time to give input and discuss plans for the year, let's hear what you would like to see our club do this year.

We plan to have a training seminar at the end of month discussing "How to plan your season?" which will be led by 2 very experienced cyclists with many years of training, racing, coaching and team management on their resumes. We will decide on date, time and place at the meeting.

Again feel free to let me or anyone on the board know what you would like to see from our club.

Ride safely on the roads at this time of the year, be colorful and be seen.

January 7, 2015
USAC 2006