Skylands Cycling Agenda 					  March 6,  2013
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of February meeting minutes

4. Officers reports
	President's report
	Treasurer's report
		2013 budget

5. Committee Reports
	Publicity - Rob:  
		Ride More/Ride Better

Rec Rides:  Scott / Bob L
	Champagne ride
	Membership - reach out to last year's members who have not renewed	

Race Director / Organizer
	Racer reimbursement
	High Point Hill Climb
Rider Development:  Bob L

Racer's meeting?

Kits:  John/Eileen

6. Unfinished business - Motions
Shed inventory 
USAC/NJBA   - do they have current information
Waiver:  do we need?  If so, when?
Vests for event volunteers  : Scott
Bylaws :   Change election date?
	 Clubs we should be part of
   Charities we want to support:  we can donate up to $250 to another 501c3.
Are we going to have a Charity team?
Operations manual

7. New Business - Motions
   Club debit/credit card

8. Announcements
9. Adjournment		NEXT MEETING  WED  APRIL 3