Gunk Century

Description: 90% flat to low (1-2%) rollers, a few slightly steeper rollers, long 2% desents and a moderate climb under 1 mile make this an easy ride. All roads have A-1 pavement and you will be on the shaded side. To keep up with Skylands tradition, there's one respectable 6 mile climb over the Gunk Mtns, with an option to enter Minnewaska State Park and do a heart pounding 0.5 mile climb to the summit. Views of the Catskill Mtns and a crystal lake with limestone cliffs at the summit. No charge to enter park on bicycles. Beach and Hot Dog stand on top.

Start: At Montague ShopRite on NJ Rt. 23, 0.5 miles from end at US Rt. 6.

Mile Turn Name of Street Comments
0.0 Right Rt 23N & ShopRite Entrance
0.5 L (light) Rt 6W through Port Jervis
1.9 R (light) Rt 209N mile 32.5 Deli, 38 Fruit Stand
38.4 R Rt 44 & 55 6 mile climb
44.4 R Park Entrance 0.5 to Summit - Turn Around
45.9 R Rt 44 & 55
52.7 R Bruynswick Rd
58.7 L New Prospect Rd
60.4 R Indian Springs Rd
63.0 S Oregon Trail Lewis to Clark, "Did I miss the Mississippi?"
66.6 S (stop) Walker Valley Rd Deli
69.8 R (stop) Burlingham Rd
70.2 S (stop) Burlingham Rd 4-Way Stop
74.4 S (stop) Winteron Rd
77.9 R Upper Rd (CR65) Hamilton Rd on maps
78.5 L Old Mountain Rd
82.6 S (stop) Old Mountain Rd
82.7 L Highland Ave over Red Steel bridge
83.3 R Seybolt Ave (CR73) Changes to Mountain Rd
87.0 R (stop) Guymard Typk hard right 0.8 mile climb
91.2 L (stop) Rt 209S
94.0 L Neversink Dr (CR80)
98.8 L (light) Rt 6E
99.1 R (light) Rt 23S
99.5 L ShopRite Entrance
100.0 Circle Cool down in lot to complete century.